Did You Poop Today?

We all do it, so why are we so afraid to talk about it?

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Whenever I ask a new client if they have gut issues, many times they tell me “no.” But when I ask about bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, irregularity, etc, a light bulb goes off and they start telling me about their symptoms. More often than not, they end their story with: “but that’s pretty much normal.”

How often do you experience those gut symptoms and sweep them under the rug because you think that it’s not a big deal or that everyone goes through the same thing?

Constant bloating and irregularity should NOT be normalized! In fact, there is a whole slew of possible causes or issues behind those uncomfortable symptoms.

  • inflammation

  • leaky gut

  • dysbiosis

  • small intestinal bacteria overgrowth (SIBO)

  • hormone imbalance

  • detoxification issues

  • food intolerance/allergy

Constipation and bloating are super common symptoms but that doesn’t mean they should be the norm. If you’re not pooping, you’re not detoxifying properly. So what can you do about it?

  • Hydrate. I’m not talking tea, coffee, juices, or smoothies. I mean good ol’ filtered water. Do you constantly forget to hydrate throughout the day? Set multiple hydration reminders on your phone or smartwatch to get it done. Don’t like the taste of plain water? Infuse it with some a few slices of cucumber, lemon, ginger, or some berries.

  • Eat more fiber. Add more fiber-dense foods into your meal plan. Foods like lentils, berries, beets, carrots, oats, and chia seeds, can help move things along. But did you know that there are two types of fiber? “Hold up. What?!” Yep, one that makes movement easier and one that bulks up the stool. Not sure where to start? Shoot me a message and we can figure it out together!

  • Get moving. Take a walk, go for a run, or get a little workout in to help spur some activity in the gut. This one especially goes out to you WFH folks who may be even more desk-bound than before 2020.

  • Practice intuitive eating. Listen to what your body has to say. Do you run to bathroom after housing a milkshake? Do you get super bloated after eating a whole bagel w cream cheese? Do raw veggies in a salad give you gas? If you answer yes to any of these, please do not chalk it up to “well that’s just normal.” Be mindful of what upsets or nourishes your body. Sometimes, that’s easier said than done, so we can work together to develop intuitive eating patterns that are actually sustainable.


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